

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Recap

Whew! What a fast Christmas. Can time please slow down?

Well, the babes had two of the most fabulous Christmases any 11.5 month olds could ask for. Our first Christmas was spent down in Waverly, where Jake's family lives. They got a bunch of stuff from Aunt Jen, boyfriend Scott, Grama, JV,Aunt Nancy, Aunt Bennie, and MeMaw and Granddad. Among the plethora of gifts they received a fun new kitchen, lots of clothes, shoes, cutie-pie rocking horses, oodles of toys like a farmer game and bath toys and a laptop, tradition Christmas book from Aunt Jen, ruffle butts for Jules, and new shoes for both Josh & Jules. Ummmm, yes, you read correctly - this was just for ONE Christmas. Are you feeling like you were deprived as a child? I do!!

The second of Christmases was spent at our house in Brentwood and my family came up: Mimi, Grampa, Aunt Essie, Aunt Ginny, Uncle Jason, and Leslie's boyfriend Shawn. Among the fun things they received at this Christmas include even more clothes, more shoes (including some cool Converse from Ginny), more toys (including Sing-a-ma-jigs, the only thing we bought them), and a cool Red Flyer wagon built for two!

All in all, I think you can all go ahead and say that these babies have PLENTY to play with and are well on their way to becoming quite spoiled.

Oh, and did I mention that their 1st birthday is less than 2 weeks away?? Where are we going to put all this stuff? Thank goodness Jake's Mom and Dad got us some storage ottomans for Christmas!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Remembering beginnings...

As I am approaching their first birthday, I wanted to blog about some things that reminded me of the early weeks when they were home. Do you guys have those? Here are a few of mine. I'm sure I have more, but wanted to record what I can remember (yes, I know, I am shocked too that I can remember ANYTHING during those first few weeks/months, hence the reason I want to record it!)

The Andy Griffith Show
I had never watched one episode of this show before. It came on at 10pm, and I would always watch either the beginning or end of it. It was always on in the bedroom for some reason, and 10pm was right around their last feeding of the night (of OUR night, they would get up a wee few hours later). I was either in my bedroom waiting on them to cry and wake up, or I would have just got done feeding them. I came to love this little sweet show, and now every time I watch an episode it reminds me of those early days.

Scrabble on
I got ADDICTED to playing Scrabble on my laptop while I would feed them. I would only play it while feeding them for some reason. And for some reason, I really haven't played it online since.

Law and Order
My mom and Jake's mom stayed with me most of the first three months, and my mom is obsessed with watching USA. I don't think its really because she loves all the shows, but she does enjoy them and sees no reason to change the channel, lol. Well, as you know they rerun Law and Order CI on there ALL day long, as well as their original shows, which I have never seen before. So, the TV was always on Law and Order. I got really into White Collar as well, which is a really good show!

Lipton tea and dry cereal
Before I discovered Soy Milk, I was devastated that I could not drink milk or have any dairy. (Babies could not tolerate dairy and I was breastfeeding) I MUST have my cereal. So, I would fix me a big glass of Lipton decaf instant tea and a big bowl of dry cereal.

Luna Bars
Early on, after I would breastfeed, I would be STARVING, especially in the middle of the night. I honestly could not go back to bed I was so hungry. So, then Jake's Mom started buying me LUNA Bars and I kept them upstairs in their nursery, and pretty much stashed them everywhere. It was a must-have.

The Education Connection commercials
I cannot tell you how many times I saw this commercial. It came on every single night during every commercial break in the middle of the night feedings. (I have a little TV in their nursery). It came on the other day and memories of the early days came flooding back.

Monday, December 20, 2010

11 Months - Update on the Babes

The walker caravan!

11 Months Old!

I have purposely put off writing this post because I refuse to believe that my babies are 11 months old. I'm sorry, I just can't accept it. And now, we are getting REALLY close to 12 months (AKA, 1 year old). With it being the Holiday Season, time is a-flying, and Mandy is a-sad face.

Feedings: What has happened to my milk supply? Seriously, does anyone know? My supply suffered DRAMATICALLY after I returned from Paris, but now its just pathetic. I think it's my body's way of telling me they need to wean. I have literally no milk, and its crazy. I went from pumping 50+ounces a day, to now maybe 18-20. Oh well, I don't have to do it much longer.

They are both doing really well with finger foods and eating. Jules will stuff anything (ANYTHING) in her mouth. She is the messiest child. (hmmm, her mother's daughter perhaps?) Josh, however, will only pick up certain things, and much prefers to be fed. He doesn't like to get his fingers really messy so he will only pick up "um-messy" foods. Nice, right? I am looking forward to their birthday cakes and see how they both do. Its going to be so funny.

Food is getting much harder to make, because I have to be more creative. It was so much easier to puree a fruit, veggie, etc. Now I have to do entire meals for them, that their little fingers can eat. We still feed them a bunch, but now its probably 60-70% finger foods. Mostly I make pastas with a veggie/meant sauce and keep it in the fridge. Its easy to make and keep, and they they'll also get fruit as well. Its a good way to give them the whole grain/veggie/meat combo, and they can pick it up with their hands. I also love to do toast with either hummus or cream cheese. and we still love avocado and yogurt! Another good thing to spread hummus or cream cheese on is a Baby MumMum wafer. Its easy for them to hold and crunchy!

I have been using alot more seasonings on their food. I have discovered Mrs. Dash and its the best thing in the world. Lots of good seasonings and no salt! I season most of their veggies with it, and add it to their pastas as well.

Waketime/Napping: Our waketime is still 2 hours, 15 minutes. We had a cold this past week, so our schedule got a bit thrown off.

Nightime: Doing great here. Going down at 7:30 and getting up at 7, sometimes even a bit later!

Our Schedule:

7:00- wake/feed 6.5oz each for Josh & Jules then cereal with pumpkin puree(wince we still have a ton) or bananas. I usually add cinnamon.
9:15 - nap (hopefully at least 1.5 hours)
11:30 - feed - 6oz each bottle, then they get a "snack" of cheerios or a MumMum with spread and some type of veggie, usually avocado and yogurt (their new favorite food, hands down). 1:00 - nap (usually wake at 2:30)
3:00 - feed 6.5oz for each + solids. This is either some of a pasta I have in the fridge, or toast with hummus and fruit. Their also might be cut up tofu, chicken, cut up veggies, beans, or rice. I try to keep some easy things in the fridge to grab.
6:30/6:45 - solids. Here I will do whatever opposite of what they have for lunch. I don't like to feed them the same exact thing for lunch and dinner. Plus, they are usually more fussy here, so if there was something that is harder for them to grab, or harder to eat, I will feed that to them at lunch instead of dinner.
7:00 - baths, then a sippy cup of milk
7:30 - story/bedtime

Outing/Events: I have already posted about our Santa Claus visits, and that was by far the most exciting event in the past month. We also attended a little girl's first birthday. The babes loved it because they got to play with all new toys. We also have been going to the gym some and they love it there as well for the same reason- new toys! Other than a couple of trips to Target, thats about it. I have discovered this time frame of them "almost-but-not-quite" walking is making it very hard to get them out. Its a hard age because now they are much heavier, the car seats are now much heavier, you have to take them out of the car seats to go anywhere, carry them, and to get one in and out while holding the other one.....well, just close your eyes and imagine.

Diet: I have missed working out so much. I got my gym membership, and am so excited! The babes love the nursery there. Although they got a cold their first time there. Oh joy.

Milestones: They are both toddling around!! Big, HUGE milestone! Jules took her first steps on Thanksgiving. She took four steps that night, and have since taken maybe 5-6 at the most at a time, lol. She is by no means a walker, but she is SO PROUD of herself when she takes steps. Josh actually, took his first steps two night ago as well. He has just started the process and is eager to go. He will turn anything into a personal walker: lego boxes, cardboard boxes, container of underwear, etc. So exciting!!! They are still talking and babbling. Josh has mastered "ByeBye", ands says Mama and Dada, but not necessarily to me or Jake. Jules also says Mam, Dada, Ga, and a couple of other nuances, but again, not necessarily to the correct things. Jules has taken up dancing and loves it. She sways back and forth to the music. She also loves to flip upside down. She is going to be a little gymnast. They have alos learned to climb the stairs, to my horror. They get into drawers, cabinets, plugs, cats, toilets, diaper genies, Christmas trees, etc-basically anything and everything they are not supposed to. But they are sweet and so dang cute. Man, I love being a mommy.

We're 11 Months Old!

I am really getting happy about the fact that these pictures are almost done. It is sooo hard to keep them together in the recliner!*

*If you believed that, you don't know me very well. I, sniff, sniff, cannot believe I only have one more of these pictures to go. It makes me so sad. What has happened to me babies and where have these pre-toddlers come from???? was, an usual, very hard to get these pictures, and what makes me upset about this is that I haven't actually taken a decent photo of them for quite a few months! I loved when they were around 4-6 months and would just sit there nicely and smile up a storm. Oh no, now now.

Friday, December 17, 2010

I wish I knew how to sew....

But, alas, I do not. It is one of those things on my everlasting, never-ending to-do list. So, I have to win giftcards so that I can buy stuff that other people sew. Thats what I am doing now! So, please go visit this really cute site with super cute stuff for girls. And in doing so, I am enetered to win a $50 gift card. And yes, you can win one too :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmastime is here...

I love this time of year. I always have. Even though I completely despise cold weather, I LOVE this time of year! I kind of also love that the babes' birthday falls right behind the holidays, so that will also be neat here in the Stribling household. In trying to establish traditions, the babes got to meet Santa Claus twice already. Although I think all they asked for was booby milk, cheerios and cats. Both times they met him was through my local twins group, POTATO. (Parents of Twins and Triplets organization). There were two breakfast events that you could bring the kids to and get their picture made with Santa. This was AWESOME for us, because of course, I was going to get their picture taken with Santa, and was not looking forward to doing the mall thing with 11 month old twins. I know, I know. Call me the Grinch, but you try taking them. So, here are come pictures of the little fam this holiday season!!

Our Christmas Card

Uh oh. Trouble is obsessed with the tree.

First snow of the season! Please forgive the hair, face, clothes and makeup.

First visit with Santa!!

If you'll remember, I bought these outfits last year, before I knew Josh and Jules!

They were obsessed with him! They did so good and didn't fuss in the least bit.

My sweet Jules. She actually was so distracted by all the other twins there, that she forgot she was wearing her hat (normally that thing wouldget pulled off in the first seconds its on her head)

"Mommy, I look ridiculous"

Second meeting with Santa. This time Jake came along, so we got a family shot.

They did great this time too. Although I wanted to put them in the exact same cutie-pie outfits, I thought I would go with red and green instead for this one, to change things up.

They were both very interested in him this time.

She was obsessed with him. We barely got any shots at her looking at the camera. (well, since I took 100 photos, I was bound to get a couple...)

Our sweet family in front of the tree.
Merry Christmas, Seasons Greetings, Happy Holidays, and all that jazz!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Heavy Heart

This is a sad post, and I'm sorry for that. My heart is heavy and I just want to reach out to my readers to please keep the McGregor family in your heart, thoughts and prayers. They lost their precious boy Thomas on Friday. He was just a few months old. He has a twin brother, named James. Although born prematurely, and in the NICU for a while, they were both home and happy for an entire month before Thomas started breathing a little funny. Then their lives were turned upside down. There was a month of heart surgeries, eventually even getting sweet Thomas an artificial heart. Sadly, it all just wasn't enough.

I cannot explain to you how sad I am for this poor family. I cannot imagine going through such a loss and to have him happy and at home thinking life was beyond blessed, then lightening crashing down on you.

I am so lucky and so grateful to have two happy healthy children. Although I never have, and never will take them for granted, I know I get frustrated in day-to-day things that come with having twins, and children in general. I hope that when those frustrations come up, I will take a small moment and think about Janna McGregor, and all those other moms who have lost a child, and say a small prayer of thanks.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

More colds...

Hello all! Sorry for the delay in posts! We have yet another cold in our household. Oh joy. I have finally decided to join the YMCA here. I have been dying to, because I can go and work out and take the babes with me, because they have free child care - YAY!! Well, I went for the first time on Wednesday, then went again on Thursday. Well, guess who got a cold Friday night? I just can't believe it. Do people not clean things? I know that its always possible for kids to get colds when they are exposed to other kids and all, but literally THE FIRST TIME I went, and two days later? Its ridiculous!! What am I supposed to do? Not go work out? Are we going to be forever susceptible to colds if I do take them? Thats not fair to them. mad....

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Our Favorite Things - 10 Months

Here is our update on our favorite things at 10 months old!

Books! We are still loving books. Jules loves them more than Josh, but more so because every time Josh tries to come around and read books too, Jules starts whining because she wants all the book attention... *sigh* poor Josh. So, he usually finds something else to do. I have also learned in this parenting thing what a huge difference there is between books with paper pages versus books with thick cardboard plastic-y pages. HUGE difference! Why? Well, you put a book with paper pages in the hands of a 10 month old and see what happens. So, now that this little tidbit has been discovered, there is only so many books they are allowed to play with at the moment. (I have now taken away the really cool books that I talked about last month, b/c they have already torn one up - and they were expensive!) Their favorite now is "Where's My Nose"? They LOVE IT. So much so that I now have most of it memorized, and will just start to say some of the book to them (without the book), and they are confused and start looking for the book :)

Another little thing I would like to bring up is how cool our fabu state of Tennessee is. In fact, Where's My Nose was given to us free through Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. It is a program she set up that gives each child (birth through age 5) a new, free book each month. It's shipped to us each and every month. All for free! It's really a wonderful program. Where's My Nose is one of those books. The only problem with this program, is that it send us two of the same book each month. I wish they would send us different ones, but oh well.

Songs! Our favorite songs are still Itsy Biotsy Spider, and Wheels on the Bus. They also like BINGO and Where is Thumpkin? They are still loving Taylor Swift and The Band Perry, even though those songs don't come on as much. I am also trying to play more Christmas music now that we're "in the season". We have decorated the house now, so I'm in the mood! Funny (although not really) story: last weekend we drove over to Knoxville for a UT football game, and there was a wreck on the interstate. NOT good with 10-month old twins. What is usually a 2.5-3 hour drive turned into a 5.5 hour drive. AWFUL is not even beginning to describe it. It's one thing to be moving in the car, but to just be sitting on the interstate strapped into a carseat...not good. So, anyway, I had to pull up the youtube video of The Band Perry's song and letting it play over, and over, and over, and over again. So, yes, I don't really want to hear that song anymore.

Toys! They are still loving Their "scooter" They now can walk behind it so well. Just loves it and will walk behind it for days. He just doesn't know how to turn with it yet, so he fusses when he gets stuck.

Other favorite toys for the moment are the classic wooden blocks. I'll stack them up high, and they both get a kick out of knocking them over. Also, the stuffed Baby Einstein blocks have made a comeback too, for this same reason. I also got them those oversize leggos and they like those too, even though they just eat them now. They also love the Leap Frog Learn and Groove Station. I bought this at a consignment sale not too long ago, and I love it too. Its really good at teaching numbers, letters and colors. They can flip the book page in the center to make it be a "teaching" station, or a "musical" station. It's awesome!

More favorite toys are mixing spoons. They now will come in the kitchen if they know I am in there and they love playing with the spoons. Another exciting toy for them is the refrigerator. They go NUTS when I open the door. And both take off for it and will play with everything on the bottom shelf, and take things out. Yesterday the mustard and ranch dressing bottles kept them very entertained. Good for energy conservation???...nope, but what can you do? They love it!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

We're 10 Months Old!

Yes, I realize this is late, and that they were, in fact, 10 months old on November 8th. But, cut me some slack! I need help nowadays to get this shot, as you can clearly see. And yes, it just gets harder to do these every month. Whew! I almost can't wait for them to be a year old and we'll quit taking the monthly pics. (I said "almost")

And, I not not kidding - how is it that I am mommy to the absolutely cutest babies in the entire world, and this is all they give me for these pics? Is this really the best they can do? Ummmm, yes. And you'll see why by the outtakes at the bottom. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Laundry Basket Fun

Isn't it amazing the fun they can have on the strangest things? Who knew a household chore would provide such entertainment. Why am I spending money on toys?

10 Months- Update on the Babes

10 Months Old!

I cannot believe I am writing this post. How are my infant babies on the verge of toddler-ism? What in the world?

Feedings: We are still doing good here. They are now taking three bottles a day and one sippy cup. I am really now to the point of "not sure of the weaning process". Do I give them a full bottle along with food? Do we need to focus more of food, less on milk? I'm just not sure how that goes. We dropped the last bottle of the day, just due to them not really wanting it. Instead I give them a sippy cup after their baths, before they go to bed. My milk supply, though, has decreased significantly due to my Paris trip. I went to pumping maybe two times a day instead of my normal 3-4, and it has suffered. I know I can do many things to get it back up: power pumping, fenugreek, etc. But, to be honest, I really don't care anymore. I don't need the extra milk to store, and they really aren't drinking as much anymore either. So, I think I am just going to wait it out. This way, it will be easier and less painful for me to stop BF at 12 months. B/c of my shortage, I can go really long periods of time before needing to pump, and no longer get engorged anymore. Which, granted, sucks if you really need the milk, but I am fine with it now.

We (as in mommy) have been encouraging more and more finger foods. Eventually we want them to just be able to eat off our plates, so we are working on that. I get frustrated at times, b/c I spend much more time fixing these "finger foods", only to have them not want them. Finger food we have tried and actually "liked" are cut up bananas, cut up string cheese, cut up sweet potatoes, cut up pumpkin, cheerios (of course), avocado, cut up plums, ditalini pasta, bites of tofu (sometimes), cut up apples, cut up pears, and cut up mango, cut up cherry tomatoes, and bites of toast. Finger foods that we have NOT liked are little bites of chicken, carrots, broccoli, and cut up fettuccine noodles. Its an uphill battle sometimes. Hopefully it will get better. We also tried to do eggs as a finger food this month (egg yolk only) but it was not a good finger food and it was real crumbly. Josh is particular about his finger foods, as he does not like to get his fingers slimy. So, he actually does not like to eat the ditalini pasts with his hands.

Literally I spend way more time fixing their dinners than I do ours. Which especially gets frustrating when they refuse to eat it. The good thing is there is always a back up plan, lol. For example, last night I made them a pasta dish consisting of organic tomatoes pureed into a sauce, organic mushrooms, but up fettuccine noodles, and "soy" ground beef. I seasoned it with some garlic power, black pepper and oregano. They would not touch it and cried and cried. What to do? Why, put it all in the food processor and there you go. They love it that way. We also did this when I baked them organic chicken bites rolled in rice cereal with garlic and basil. HATED it. Into the magic bullet it went. Roll the mixture into some ditalini pasta, and voila!

The problem I foresee happening is the difference between what Jake and I eat, and what I want them to eat. They eat fresh, organic fruits, vegetables, and proteins with no salt or preservatives, etc. Jake and I eat waaaaayyyy worse than that, sad to say. And we are picky eaters, and there are many a time where Jake is feeding them something he would sooner die that eat himself. So, there in lies a future problem that I'm not quite sure how to fix. How do you moms feed them when you go out to a restaurant, for example? Good grief, restaurant foods are loaded with fat and salt. Thats what makes it taste so good, lol!

Waketime/Napping: Our waketime is now around 2hrs, 15 minutes. I am going to try and lengthen them to 2.5 hours for a standard waketime in the next month. We no longer take an afternoon nap. They now take 2 naps, and they average around 1.5 hours - sometimes shorter, sometimes longer. Usually we don't have two long naps. One is usually long, and one shorter.

Nightime: We had some adjustments doe to the oh so lovely daylight savings time. But, now we are good. Still going down at 7:30 and getting up around 7. Some mornings, then start to stir around 6:45, but today, we had to wake both of them up at 7:15, so it depends.

Our Schedule:

7:00- wake/feed 6.5oz each for Josh & Jules then solids fruit and cereal.

9:15 - nap (hopefully at least 1.5 hours)
11:30 - feed - 6oz each bottle, then they get a "snack" of cheerios and some type of veggie, usually avocado and yogurt (their new favorite food, hands down)

1:00 - nap (usually wake at 2:30)
3:00 - feed 6.5oz for each + solids. This is a veggie and a protein
6:30/6:45 - solids. This is a combo of mashed up food and finger foods as well. We are doing a starch (pasta or toast or potato) a veggie, fruit and a protein. Usually the fruit is the finger food, unless I fix them a combo pasta with veggies and protein in it they can eat with their hands.

7:00 - baths, then a sippy cup of milk
7:30 - story/bedtime

Outing/Events: Our nanny still takes them to storytime at the library on Wednesdays. They have also been to Cheekwood gardens, and to the park a few times. They also rode in the front of a shopping cart at Target for the first time, and LOVED it. I put one in the Bjorn carrier, and the other one got to ride. Of course, they both wanted to ride and it caused quite a ruckus. We also went back up to Knoxville for the UT/Ole Miss game. What a disaster that drive was. There was a wreck and we did not move on the interstate for 2 hours. So, that is now a 5.5 hour drive, and with two 10 month old babies, it was miserable. They were SO upset. I cannot wait until they can face forwards and we can watch videos!!

Diet: I have decided I may get a gym membership. I can get a discount through work. I have decided I am going to have to do something. It's not that I need to lose weight, but I need to exercise just to feel "healthy", and I just can't do that with twins. So, I figure if I can do the gym, I can take them with me and they can play in the playroom daycare for an hour. We'll see...

Milestones: They are still EVERYWHERE, but still no walking yet. They are both crawling everywhere and getting into everything. Jules can stand independently on her own, and Josh is close. They love music and Jules can get up on her knees and dance, which is hysterical. She also loves books and can turn the pages, and loves to do so. She wants 100% attention from you during book time. If Josh even comes over and wants to read too, she will throw a fit. they are babbling like crazy. However, they were doing mamamama, and dadadada much more a month ago than they are now, which is weird. Josh can do "Bye Bye", and wave his hand. So, now that he can do that, and we're proud of him, that now is all he says, ALL the time. Jules thinks she can do it too, but she just wiggles her fingers, lol. Jules can "clap her hands". I put that in quotes, because she has her own way of clapping her hands. Instead of actually clapping, she does her hands like you would wipe your hands - vertically instead of horizon ally. I have no idea where she got that, but its so funny. They like their walkers, don't love them, because they can't turn in them, which frustrates them. They still love the cats, and squeal with delight when they see them. they are not climbing the stairs yet, which is good. They love the refrigerator, and come running (crawling) when I open it. It sfunny, they used to be able to sit and play in the family room while I am fixing dinner (the kitchen overlooks the family room). But, now ehn they know I am in there, they want to be right there, too. So, I give them mixing cups and spoons and they play and play.They also (yay) know how to open drawers and cabinet doors. As much as I am so excited for them to start I really??

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Approaching Christmas....

Well, here we are. It is now almost mid-November (gasp!). How is it that I have blinked, and not only are the babes now TEN months old, but that just yesterday I was anticipating their arrival? And don't even get me started to how quickly everything is going on a day-to-day basis. A baby's first year is a magical journey of every day happenings: be it sitting on their own, first laughs, first smiles, first crawl, first bites of food, first stand, first steps, first words, etc. You get the drift. This all just adds to how fast it all goes, especially the first year. And while you're at it, go ahead and add another baby into the mix. I can now understand how those other MoM's (Moms of Multiples) used to tell me that you won't rememeber the first year. Some woudl say way back when "Oh, you won't remember the first three months", when I was currently in the "first three months". And I would laugh. "How crazy you are!", I would say. "How would I not remember these days?". Oh, but see, those MoMs have been there, done that. And all I can say is thank God for cameras, and the hundreds of pictures I have taken.

Well, now here we are and its now mid-November. Its sad when I look back to a year ago on this blog, which has become such a wonderful thing I got to preserve. I love that I started it way back when. Its going to be great to look back on things. It was literally a year ago when I had my maternity pictures done. I didn't know for sure when it was, but I started to get sad as I saw teh leaves changing, b/c I remembered we were right in the middle of fall when we got them done last year. I can't believe that was an entire year ago! And then fall leads us to winter, which makes me even sadder, because my babies were born in the winter. I had to stay home last Christmas, because I was so close to my delivery date. And then two weeks later-two babies!

So, now with all the crazy people out there that started decorating for Christmas on Halloween, please stop! Its making me an insane person. That means its Christmas, and WINTER, and that means my teeny tiny babies won't be babies anymore - they'll be TODDLERS!!!!!!

Ya know, its funny with blogging. I started this post intending on blogging about an entirely different thing. But once I started writing, it changed :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day in the life...

Hmmmm, its a good thing I have two legs!! One for each babe!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Peekaboo Playtown

Yesterday I took the babes to Peekaboo Playtown. They are a bunch of these popping up around town. They are basically an indoor play area for kids. You can have parties, etc there as well. There are toys and tot areas galore. The reason I like it is because they have an area for kids 2 and under, which is good for us. It only costs $7 for both, so its not bad. Its a genius idea really. There were tons of moms there on playdates. The cool thing about this place, (and what they advertise heavily) is that they stop and clean every 15 minutes. And they were! There were people cleaning constantly while I was there. And it has been getting colder and colder here, so our outside time as become a bit limited. (apologize for the pictures. I took them with my crappy camera phone)

On little scooters! One for each!

Jules relaxing in the balls

They look like little dogs here

We love the balls!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

I mean, I dare you to find cuter babies. Why is everything cuter with twins?? Look at my sweet bears!!! Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!

Our favorite things - 9 Months

Here is our update on our favorite things at 9 months old!

As far as favorite books for the moment, this has become way more fun. All of a sudden we have FINALLY decided we love books, which this momma couldn't be more overjoyed with. As in love books, I mean actually love to be around books and look at them, instead of using them as a chew toy. YAY!! I am so excited about this. Jules is also very good at turning pages. Books they love at the moment are still Baby Einstein's Mirror Me book, any of the small mini-me Dr. Seuss books. They also love Bright Baby Animals , because its small and its easy to turn the pages and its very bright and colorful. Other favorites are the Southwestern books. For those who are not aware, Southwestern is one of those companies that sends college kids door-to-door during summers to sell books. I could not imagine in my life a more miserable job. However, this young girl came by last summer and was selling these great books for a low, low price of $8Yes, Jake was not happy with me, because I apparently will buy anything and can't say no to anyone, especially poor girls that come door-to-door. But, the good news is that I LOVE these books! They are so awesome. They are bright, very colorful and really educational. And they come with pull out posters for later. And the babes love them. They literally start bouncing up and down when I get them out.

Songs are still The Itsy Bitsy Spider, with Wheels on the Bus as a close second. They have also come to love music videos, but only certain ones, which is funny. I have started turning it on music videos in the morning and when we are reading or something and I have it on in the background. We watch country music when we do, b/c mostly there are no videos on MTV, and plus I don't want there to be anything questionable. So, therefore, its country. So, their FAVORITE songs for now are Mine, by Taylor Swift, Stuck Like Glue, by Sugarland, and If I Die Young, by The Band Perry. Yes, weird, I know. However, they bounce and dance around when When I Die Young comes on. They can see the lead singer from across the room and crawl as fast as they can towards the TV. So funny.

They are still loving Their "scooter" Now I even have to hide it sometimes on they are big enough now they try to crawl up on it themselves, which has led to bumps on the head.

Favorite toys are the ever classic ring-stack, toy piano and this Mickey Mouse driving dashboard I bought on consignment. And still the Ronald toys. Crazy. We still love Baby Einstein videos, but our favorites are still the freebie video's in Comcast's On Demand section for babies called Baby Genius. They are about 8 minutes long and sing along songs.

Our new climbing gym is what is formerly known as our bumpos. What was once a nice little seat for the babes who could not sit on their own has now become quite the fun toy. They like to pull themselves up on them, and crawl around in them. They also like to sit in in every which way except the way you are supposed to, in which they sometimes they get stuck. Silly babes. (please ignore the cords, I am a good mom-promise. The bumpos are hidden in a corner where we have the laptop plugged up. Jules and Josh always still find them anyway)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Slideshow 8-9 Months

I meant to do these every two weeks, but for some reason I keep getting behind. One of the problems is that I now have this fancy-scmancy camera. And when you have a fancy-smanchy camera that takes fancy-smanchy pictures, I really want to edit them to make the best pictures I can. Needless to say, my time is not so free is that I have oodles of time to edit pictures. As of late, most of my time in the evening after has been spent making baby food. Since I'll be gone for a week to Paris, France. I have had to triple stock my freezer with loads of foody ice cubes.

Plus, I don't know what it is about having a fancy-smanchy camera,but I know go around the house thinking I am Nigel Barker and am the most sought after photgrapher. Seriously, from September 8th to October 12th I have taken 702 pictures. 702!!!!!!!! What is the matter with me? Oh yeah, I have the cutest babies in the world. Duh! Now, I am not going to make you look through 702 pictures, but there are quite a few.

Blabber Mouths

Josh: "Babababababababababababa, Mamamamamamamamamamamamama"

Jules: "Gagagagagagagagagagagaga, Babababababababababa, Hieeeeeeeeeeeeee", (could be Hi, but its not really)

Jules has been saying Gaga for a while now. Not really sure where she has heard the Ga sound, unless its out cat, Gus. Josh, on the other hand, is deefinatley saying Mamamamamama, which of course, makes me so happy. However, he says it to the TV, his toys, the cats, his bumpo chair, to food, and just talks it to himself. Basically to everything but me. I can still count it though, right?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

We're 9 Months Old!

Okay, I know I have been saying this EVERY MONTH, but they are no longer able to sit in the same chair together. I am really trying to make it to their year birthday with the monthly chair pics. With one baby, I'm sure I could do it. With two babies, you need two people, and another person to take pictures. Jake and I are only two people, and we did the best we could, while still being behind the lens :)

Outtakes at the bottom!

9 Months - Update on the Babes

9 Months Old!

Okay, so I know I said how much fun they were at 8 months old, but seriously, I can't tell you how much fun they are now! Every day is different for them and every day they are soaking up everything they see, hear, touch, feel, etc. Its amazing to watch them watch me, or watch their mouths try and say what I am saying. They are on the verge of talking...not.there.yet. Not from my not trying, mind you. We are very close on Hi, Gus (one of the cats), MaMa, Dada, etc. So far, we have GaGa -from both of them, which is weird. Still breastfeeding! Go me!

Feedings: We're still doing good here. Milk is great. I am saving one bottle per day, which is fantastic. Another little caveat is that I am going to Paris, France next week FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK. I keep telling myself in my head, "I can do this, I can do this". Thank God for Skype. Anywho, I have been freezing milk pretty regularly again. They are doing good with their eating too. So far we have eaten these fruits: apples, pears, plums, bananas, peaches, cantaloupe, mangoes, blueberries, and these veggies: sweet potatoes, reg. potatoes, green beans, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, avocado, spinach, carrots, corn, squash, zucchini and these proteins: ground beef, sirloin, chicken, turkey, and tofu. We have been doing some finger foods, and plan to do more and more of those. Jules especially would rather self feed. We have cut up some steamed carrots, bananas, and avocados. However, they are OBSESSED with Cheerios. It is by far their favorite right now. I was really nervous about giving them Cheerios, with them choking, but they did great from the beginning.

Waketime/Napping: They are still at the 2hr mark for awake-time. We dropped their afternoon nap! So, now they are just taking two naps a day. I *might* put them down in the afternoon if for some reason they had terrible naps that day.I swear, my babies are growing up WAY TOO FAST. Am I still allowed to call them babies?

Nightime: We had a couple of weeks of early waking, but thank goodness they grew out of that.

Our Schedule:

7:00- wake/feed 7oz each for Josh & Jules then solids fruit and cereal. Josh always gets more than Jules
9:00 - nap (hopefully at least 1.5 hours)
11:00 - feed - I now only put 6oz in each of their bottles, b/c they almost never finish it. Then they get a "snack" of cheerios and some type of veggie (all finger foods here, and just a bit)
1:00 - nap (usually wake at 2:30)
3:00 - feed 6.5oz for each + solids. This is a veggie and a protein
6:30/6:45 - feed 6.5oz for each, + solids. This is a protein, veggies, fruit and cereal. Its usually all mixed together, or we feed the fruit afterwards, separately
7:00 - baths
7:30 - story/bedtime

Outing/Events: Our nanny still takes them to storytime every Wednesday. We also went this month to the Nashville flea market and walked around. I didn't make it two steps before someone would comment on how cute they were. Last weekend I took them to the Germantown festival in East Nashville. I think our nanny is also going to start taking them to the zoo maybe another day during the week since its gotten a little cooler.

Diet: I am skipping this section because I am going to Paris next week and will eat lots of bread, cheese, chocolate and wine. Humph.

Milestones: They are both EVERYWHERE. Josh is now full on crawling now too. They are honestly everywhere. Josh can now go from crawling to sitting on his bottom, which is new. Jules can completely pull herself up, and can stand on her own for a few seconds at a time. It won't be long until she's walking (yikes). She has started "sitting dancing". She gets all exited and jumpy when she's on her knees, which is her version of dancing. They love "their videos". They know from the second I turn it on. They can be across the room, and hear the intro and get so excited. They still love to hear me sing to them, and I love singing to them. We have now had to lower both of their cribs to their lowest setting, which doesn't bode well for my 5'1" frame. Its a drop-side ( I know, I know) but I honestly don't ever use it. Its quicker to just reach over and grab them. They still love their books, and will both try and crawl all over you when you get one out to read. Still no sign language. However, they are starting to "get" that they can repeat whatever you do. Jules will do raspberries if you do them, and click her tongue if you do it, and shake her head no, if you do it to her. Josh will stick out his tongue if you do it. So cute. So, they are close. They love to be moving, and still love their scooter, and to swing!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Our favorite things - 8 Months

I thought I would copy my bloggie friend Emma, on her post of her son Eirik's favorite things. I thought it was great so I am being a copycat :) I will hope to do these monthly. They are growing so fast and into so many different things that I thought it would be great to look back on.

As far as favorite books for the moment, I'm gonna have to go with Baby Einstein's Mirror Me book. They are just now getting to where they know what a book is, instead of just wanting to eat them, and they love the mirrors in this book. They have a ton of books, but this one at the moment is their favorite.

The Itsy Bitsy Spider. They LOVE this song. I sing to them all the time, and literally, this song is the one that they will stop whatever they are doing and look at me and smile.

Their "scooter" - that is what we are calling it anyway. Its not a scooter, but some sort of a walker thing. They sit on it and we pull them through the house. Loads of fun.

Anything that makes music. They have a toy piano and a teetering ball. And they love those.

Josh likes anything that has a string or ribbon. Shoelaces, ribbon bookmarks in our pooh book, drawstring on my pajama pants, etc. In addition to this, he can find a tag on ANYTHING and is obsessed with it. So funny.

Josh also loves his feet. They are by far his favorite body part.

Since Jules is now pulling herself to standing, she is loving our stairs. (love this, by the way)

She also is obsessed with our cats. Josh, not so much. But Jake and I both think Jules' first word will be "Gus", because she keeps saying "Ga" all the time, and we can't think of anything else it could possibly be.

I think they are close to outgrowing the exersaucer and jumeroo. They do still like it, mind you, but since they are now both mobile they don't like to be stationary very much.

They both love playing "ride a little horsey". They both love it and it puts them in the best mood if they are grumpy.

Favorite foods will be anything sweet (for Jules, natch) and basically anything for Josh. They both really like avocado.

They love rattles (again, probably b/c it makes noise).

Their favorite video is Baby Einstein's Van Gough. Although, they also love the freebie video's in Comcast's On Demand section for babies called Baby Genius. They are about 8 minutes long and sing along songs.

And both of their favorite toys are still the little Ronald McDonald toys from Happy Meals that Jake's Aunt Sally sent them. So crazy. Of all the things they have.

And I guess you could also say that they love their Sippy Cup "toy", because they love to bang it on their high chairs instead of actually drinking out of it. Silly babies.

Friday, September 24, 2010

We're 8 months old!

Okay, I know I said that last month's 7 month pictures were hard to take. But, let's please fast forward to 8 months old, when BOTH my babies are mobile and crawling. I couldn't even do it by myself this month (which I normally do) - Jake had to help me. And also, another little lovely is that now I can't make them smile on command. They are now too smart to fall for those things. It was MUCH easier to get them to smile at 3-4 months than it is now. Plus, they are not too keen on my new camera. It's a little big and they don't quite understand it yet. But, anyway, here we are at 8 months old!! (and yes, this is the best picture I could get - I may have to change my location next time) Another funny thing to look at is how much smaller the sign it getting if you look at the monthly pictures off to the side. Outtakes are at the bottom!

Swing Fun!

We have a tot lot in our subdivision, and I thought I might take some pics with my new camera :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


What to do, what to do? This is a big decision for me. This is their first halloween and I must make them the cutest twins that have ever been a part of such an event. I also don't want to spend a fortune on a costume they will only wear once, for maybe an hour as well. If I were a smarter person, I wodul have taken advantage of teh numerous consignment sales that are now over to find some cute costumes. I have emailed my local twin group (Parents of Twins and Triplets Organization: POTATO, natch) to see if anyone has any they might sell me, but noone does. Boo..Alas, here we are, a month before Halloween, and I must make a decision sometime. And I will pretty much garantee that I will spend a fortune. So...what do you think? What I really want to do is find some way to coordinate any Tom Arma costumes. They are, without a doubt, the cutest things you will ever see...AND they are $50 each, sigh...(they are at the end of the slideshow, seriosuly to die for cuteness.

We could go...

6 Month pictures

Well....really they were at 7 months. I got busy and by the time we could get the pics scheduled they were 7 months old. Oops. The same photographer took them as did their newborn pictures and my maternity pictures as well, the uber fabulous Josh Harris. This time we decided to do them outside at Centennial Park in Nashville. It is a beautiful park and kind of famous because it is home to an exact replica of the Greek Parthenon :) (you can see it in the background of some shots) Gotta love Nashville!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

8 Months - Update on the Babes

8 Months Old!

Wow, where does the time go? Honestly? How are my precious "babies" 8 months old? can I really call them babies anymore, because they are growing like weeds. They are each their won person and have so much personality. I can laugh at Jules all day. That girl cracks me up. She is such a little firecracker! And Josh is just such a sweet little boy. What a fun age they are now!

Feedings: My milk supply has stayed the same, and I have lots in the freezer. Do you know why? We have had some changes...They are not wanting their bottle! Is this what happens? Because I don't know, I have never had kids. Their 11am feeding, they "might" take half their bottle, sometimes more, sometimes less. Some feedings Josh doesn't want it at all. And their 6:30 bottle is the same. They will probably only take half of it. Isn't that weird? Is this some kind of natural weaning process into more/all solid foods? In other food-news, we are starting on finger foods, even though I am REALLY nervous about it, but I know it's time to start. They have teeth! They each have two on the bottom, and Josh is popping a third. They have had the finger food "puffs" that dissolve for a while now, but I am now into actual chomping and swallowing territory. So far we have just done bits of banana, but if I am brave I will do other things as well, lol. However, I will also add that most of the said bananas and puffs end up stuck to their arms, leg, and chest, without ever making contact with their mouths. We'll get there. Jules has been in an awful phase where she will just start crying in her high chair when she eats veggies-very frustrating! She used to eat anything....uuuggggg

Waketime/Napping: They are still at the 2hr mark for awake-time.

Nightime: Still doing good here!

Our Schedule:

7:00- wake/feed 7oz each for Josh & Jules then solids fruit and cereal. Josh always gets more than Jules
9:00 - nap (hopefully at least 1.5 hours)
11:00 - feed - I now only put 6oz in each of their bottles, b/c they almost never finish it. Crazy!!
1:00 - nap (usually wake at 2:30)
3:00 - feed 6.5oz for each + solids. This used to be a veggie only, now they also get cereal too, so they can pack on those pounds
4:30 - nap
6:30/6:45 - feed 6.5oz for each, + solids. This is a protein, veggies, fruit and cereal. Its usually all mixed together, or we feed the fruit afterwards, separately
7:00 - baths
7:30 - story/bedtime

Outing/Events: Our nanny has started taking them to storytime at our local library once a week. I think they like it. This is their third week going, and it was the best one yet. The first week the lady started singing "Wheels on the Bus", and Josh started crying hysterically - tears! LOL!! It was so random and funny. I sing it to him all the time, and he must not have liked someone else singing it to him! We are now officially in UT football season, so we have been up to Knoxville twice with them. (they don't go to the games though). We also love to swing at our tot lot in the park. We also had our first playdate with another set of twins! I met Maggie online as we were both struggling to conceive. Turned out she lived really close to Knoxville. She successfully conceived b/g twins as well, and they were actually born five days before mine. How cool is that? Here we are on our first playdate at Fountain City Park...

Diet: I have started walking again with the kiddos in the evenings, which is great. It has been SO HOT here (high 90's) that it has been impossible. It has gotten a wee bit cooler, so we are now on a roll with the exercise!

Milestones: Well, I now have two mobile babies. Jule is crawling, and is so fast. Josh has now perfectly the army crawl. So, he can now go forward, albeit slowly. Honestly though, you would be amazed at how quickly he can get from point A to B by simply rolling and then going side-to-side, then rolling again. They are too fun right now. They laugh out loud, and actual belly laughs too. Josh is ticklish under his arms. They both will now laugh if you make funny faces at them, which is so cute. We had to lower Jules's crib mattress. We haven't had to do that to Josh's yet, though. They like (not love) books. I wish they liked them more, now but they are just starting to enjoy the page-turning and book reading instead of just eating the books. They are still kind of babbling. No words yet. We're trying though! And no signing yet, sigh. Their favorite toys right now are the toy piano (both), anything with a tag (Josh), their scooter (more Jules than Josh) and funny enough - the free Ronald McDonald toys in the Happy Meals! Jake's Aunt Sally sent them those toys, and they honestly LOVE them! It is the funniest thing. Here is Jules with Ronald: