Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Our favorite things - 8 Months
As far as favorite books for the moment, I'm gonna have to go with Baby Einstein's Mirror Me book. They are just now getting to where they know what a book is, instead of just wanting to eat them, and they love the mirrors in this book. They have a ton of books, but this one at the moment is their favorite.
The Itsy Bitsy Spider. They LOVE this song. I sing to them all the time, and literally, this song is the one that they will stop whatever they are doing and look at me and smile.
Their "scooter" - that is what we are calling it anyway. Its not a scooter, but some sort of a walker thing. They sit on it and we pull them through the house. Loads of fun.
Anything that makes music. They have a toy piano and a teetering ball. And they love those.
Josh likes anything that has a string or ribbon. Shoelaces, ribbon bookmarks in our pooh book, drawstring on my pajama pants, etc. In addition to this, he can find a tag on ANYTHING and is obsessed with it. So funny.
Josh also loves his feet. They are by far his favorite body part.
Since Jules is now pulling herself to standing, she is loving our stairs. (love this, by the way)
She also is obsessed with our cats. Josh, not so much. But Jake and I both think Jules' first word will be "Gus", because she keeps saying "Ga" all the time, and we can't think of anything else it could possibly be.
I think they are close to outgrowing the exersaucer and jumeroo. They do still like it, mind you, but since they are now both mobile they don't like to be stationary very much.
They both love playing "ride a little horsey". They both love it and it puts them in the best mood if they are grumpy.
Favorite foods will be anything sweet (for Jules, natch) and basically anything for Josh. They both really like avocado.
They love rattles (again, probably b/c it makes noise).
Their favorite video is Baby Einstein's Van Gough. Although, they also love the freebie video's in Comcast's On Demand section for babies called Baby Genius. They are about 8 minutes long and sing along songs.
And both of their favorite toys are still the little Ronald McDonald toys from Happy Meals that Jake's Aunt Sally sent them. So crazy. Of all the things they have.
And I guess you could also say that they love their Sippy Cup "toy", because they love to bang it on their high chairs instead of actually drinking out of it. Silly babies.
Friday, September 24, 2010
We're 8 months old!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
We could go...
6 Month pictures
Friday, September 17, 2010
8 Months - Update on the Babes
Wow, where does the time go? Honestly? How are my precious "babies" 8 months old? can I really call them babies anymore, because they are growing like weeds. They are each their won person and have so much personality. I can laugh at Jules all day. That girl cracks me up. She is such a little firecracker! And Josh is just such a sweet little boy. What a fun age they are now!
Feedings: My milk supply has stayed the same, and I have lots in the freezer. Do you know why? We have had some changes...They are not wanting their bottle! Is this what happens? Because I don't know, I have never had kids. Their 11am feeding, they "might" take half their bottle, sometimes more, sometimes less. Some feedings Josh doesn't want it at all. And their 6:30 bottle is the same. They will probably only take half of it. Isn't that weird? Is this some kind of natural weaning process into more/all solid foods? In other food-news, we are starting on finger foods, even though I am REALLY nervous about it, but I know it's time to start. They have teeth! They each have two on the bottom, and Josh is popping a third. They have had the finger food "puffs" that dissolve for a while now, but I am now into actual chomping and swallowing territory. So far we have just done bits of banana, but if I am brave I will do other things as well, lol. However, I will also add that most of the said bananas and puffs end up stuck to their arms, leg, and chest, without ever making contact with their mouths. We'll get there. Jules has been in an awful phase where she will just start crying in her high chair when she eats veggies-very frustrating! She used to eat anything....uuuggggg
Waketime/Napping: They are still at the 2hr mark for awake-time.
Nightime: Still doing good here!
Our Schedule:
7:00- wake/feed 7oz each for Josh & Jules then solids fruit and cereal. Josh always gets more than Jules
9:00 - nap (hopefully at least 1.5 hours)
11:00 - feed - I now only put 6oz in each of their bottles, b/c they almost never finish it. Crazy!!
1:00 - nap (usually wake at 2:30)
3:00 - feed 6.5oz for each + solids. This used to be a veggie only, now they also get cereal too, so they can pack on those pounds
4:30 - nap
6:30/6:45 - feed 6.5oz for each, + solids. This is a protein, veggies, fruit and cereal. Its usually all mixed together, or we feed the fruit afterwards, separately
7:00 - baths
7:30 - story/bedtimeOuting/Events: Our nanny has started taking them to storytime at our local library once a week. I think they like it. This is their third week going, and it was the best one yet. The first week the lady started singing "Wheels on the Bus", and Josh started crying hysterically - tears! LOL!! It was so random and funny. I sing it to him all the time, and he must not have liked someone else singing it to him! We are now officially in UT football season, so we have been up to Knoxville twice with them. (they don't go to the games though). We also love to swing at our tot lot in the park. We also had our first playdate with another set of twins! I met Maggie online as we were both struggling to conceive. Turned out she lived really close to Knoxville. She successfully conceived b/g twins as well, and they were actually born five days before mine. How cool is that? Here we are on our first playdate at Fountain City Park...
Diet: I have started walking again with the kiddos in the evenings, which is great. It has been SO HOT here (high 90's) that it has been impossible. It has gotten a wee bit cooler, so we are now on a roll with the exercise!
Milestones: Well, I now have two mobile babies. Jule is crawling, and is so fast. Josh has now perfectly the army crawl. So, he can now go forward, albeit slowly. Honestly though, you would be amazed at how quickly he can get from point A to B by simply rolling and then going side-to-side, then rolling again. They are too fun right now. They laugh out loud, and actual belly laughs too. Josh is ticklish under his arms. They both will now laugh if you make funny faces at them, which is so cute. We had to lower Jules's crib mattress. We haven't had to do that to Josh's yet, though. They like (not love) books. I wish they liked them more, now but they are just starting to enjoy the page-turning and book reading instead of just eating the books. They are still kind of babbling. No words yet. We're trying though! And no signing yet, sigh. Their favorite toys right now are the toy piano (both), anything with a tag (Josh), their scooter (more Jules than Josh) and funny enough - the free Ronald McDonald toys in the Happy Meals! Jake's Aunt Sally sent them those toys, and they honestly LOVE them! It is the funniest thing. Here is Jules with Ronald:
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
?-8 Months Slideshow
New Camera!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
I'm reminiscing because my babies will be 8 months old next week. 8 months old! And honestly, try as hard as I might, I just don't remember being pregnant. I can't wrap my brain around the fact that my two precious, full-of-life, sweet , personality-crazy, funny little babies were in my belly! Its beyond my comprehension! In my job right now, I am seeing people that I haven't seen since I was this large. And I can sort-of remember walking in and out of schools and waddling around, but I honestly can't remember any of it, and its so sad!! I am so glad I blogged about it every two weeks, or I would not have any memory of it whatsoever.
Football season starts tomorrow!
No camera :(
Here is a recent picture of them on their new scooter-thing. They LOVE it, I can't begin to tell you how much.