We are officially in the 3rd Trimester!!! Can you even believe it???? I can't!! Hell, I still can't believe I am actually pregnant, that there are actual babies in here, and that there will actually be babies in my arms in less that two months!! I am still just Alice in Wonderland - in a make-believe fantasy world. After all of the trying to conceive, heartbreak, months and months of wishing and hoping, we are really in a semi-safe zone. (Of course I am still freaking out - I haven't yet opened #2 of things we are getting at baby showers, just in case something happens - I know - I am insane, right??? I really need to relax)
Birthing classes are going very well. Well...if you ask ME, they are going really well. If you ask Jake, well, thats a different story. He's not as gung ho as thinking they are worth the $100. If you ask him, he says he can give me a massage at home for free. LOL - they make the boys give massages to us at the end of each class, ya know, learning how to be a "support person" and all. (but the thing is, he is forced to give me a massage too, and its wonderful!!)
Names....oh, to find a name for these little munchkins. We are still no closer to naming them. I know we still have time, but we just can't decide. Every week we like something different. So, we promise we will tell you when we've decided! You guys have voted on Jackson and Julia on the separate names poll, and Jacob and Jillian on the twins poll. So, you all are obviously no closer than we are.
We, so far, have had three FABULOUS showers. I honestly could not have asked for more special showers. They were all so special in their own separate ways. I will talk about them later in separate posts. But I am so excited!! We have received so many beautiful and useful things. We only have to buy a few things here and there ourselves, which is such a blessing. I never in a million years would have believed it. We have one more left, which Jake's work is throwing for us.
Nursery is looking beautiful, if I do say so for myself. I will post updated pictures soon, but I want to get a couple of more things done first. I just am in love with it. So classy and beautiful. It is exactly how I wished it would be.
The maternity photos are done!! I haven't seen all of them yet, as I don't have the CD of images yet, but I was able to get a sampling. I will post them all once I get them, but here are a couple....

How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +28 pounds. Still under where I need to be, and I honestly am eating like a cow. I think I probably don't need to worry too much though b/c apparently I will gain about 11 pounds this trimester. Yikes.
Maternity clothes? I haven't bought anything in two weeks - yippee! And probably won't buy any more. My showers are basically done, as are the maternity photos, so no more pictures! LOL
Best moment this week: Wow, this question is hard this week. We had a great u/s doctors appointment - my doctor said I was the "model twin patient". Everything is just going perfectly, which is amazing. She also warned me that anything can change in a day, BTU I'm still happy. The three showers are done, and they were all perfect - I couldn't ask for better friends and family.
Movement: They are still moving around like crazy! The girl is still diagonal, but now she has flipped completely backwards. Her head is now on my right side, and her feet on my left. The boy is now diagonal as well, with his head on my lower right, curved around my belly button up with his feet more to my left. Absolutely crazy how they have moved so much in two meets!
Waist Diameter: 42.5 inches. I don't understand this at all. I feel HUGE. And I am! I am currently measuring 37 weeks (for single pregnancy). So, I am growing, growing. Just not out, which I don't understand. I really expected this one to be much larger.
Food cravings: Mmmmmm...chicken biscuits. Mmmm....baby shower cake...Mmmm, anything spicy or chocolate....
Gender: Baby Stribs are a boy and girl. No extra parts.
Labor Signs: No, thank God. Everything is still closed up nice and tight.
Belly Button in or out? We are still in outie-ville.
What I miss: I am now so achy when I wake up in the morning, after I do things in the nursery, after I do laundry or any housework, or after working a long day (Oh heck, let's face it I feel like a 90 year old woman now). Everything is achy. My hips, legs, shoulders, etc. You name it.
What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery 100% completed. And at our next doctors appt, we get to do another growth scan - woohoo!
Milestones: Is there a better milestone that to be in the third trimester now??? I think NOT!
Realization of the week: I cannot do everything I used to do, and I need to be ok with that. Now is the most important time to take it easy. I need these babies to stay in there as long as they can!!
I've been waiting for an update on you!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I just wanted to comment on not opening anything -- once we got our swing and found out it was missing parts - I started opening and putting together everything!!
Some places have strict return policies even with gift receipts - so you don't want to have to worry about stuff like that!!