Last week, (or week before last, I have no idea, these weeks are running together lately) I had to fly down to Orlando to a work awards ceremony to receive a fundraising award for my work with the American Heart Association (toot, toot!)
Well, another life ago it seems, before we bought this house, Jake and I talked about taking a trip in October for our 10 year anniversary (TEN YEARS- WHO KNEW??)
Because that trip got put on the back burner due to the cost of renovating this house ($$$) I convinced him to come down to Orlando with me for a mini-vaca and hang out. It was hugely fun! We flew down Wednesday, and did the awards thing. Thursday we checked in to our new hotel and did the pool/pool bar thing all day and went to Downtown Disney that night and walked around and ate.
Walt Disney World for Adults
Friday was our Disney Day!! I did loads of googling and loads of asking around about what to do for Walt Disney World. I mean, I know what you do for kids, but I wanted to know which parks are best for adults. I kept hearing about Epcot, Epcot, Epcot. But after talking to people, I decided that we might not be able to spend a whole day at Epcot, and since we only have one day, I wanted to see something else.
So, we did Hollywood Studios from morning to afternoon, then Epcot from afternoon to evening. Now, if you asked Jake about Disney he would have said "Disney's for kids, not adults", but honestly I think he had a great time. We hit all the major attractions in Hollywood Studios pretty quickly. The lines were great since school had already started back. Jake's favorite was the Star Tours Ride, while mine was Toy Story Mania. It was an interactive 4-D ride that was pretty neat. I wish we didn't ride Aerosmith's Rock 'n' Roller coaster. It took our bodies about 20 minutes to get over that ride (we are really old, apparently) We didn't even attempt the Tower of Terror. We knew better.

From there we headed to Epcot. I liked Epcot, alot more than I thought. We LOVED the Soarin' Ride. So much we rode it twice. We also rode Mission to Space, but I kept my eyes closed most of the time, lol (motion sickness). The Test Track was closed, which stinks because we were looking forward to that one. We also got to see all the characters here in Epcot. And, then we just walked around and explored all the countries. This is where Epcot is different for adults. you can just walk around, grab a drink in the countries, explore, and have a great dinner. We chose Bella Napoli in Italy, and it was fabulous!

It was a great weekend. While we should be shot for going to Disney without taking out almost-three-year-olds, it was still super fun! They'll get over it. I'm sure we will go back with them soon. However, since going I now know two things about going with kids: They MUST be out of strollers, and they MUST be done with naps. There is just not other way, because it's a long, long day, and they have to keep up :)