How far along? 22 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: I haven't weighed myself in a while. I'm kind of scared to. I still look ok (at least in my mind, I do). But I am kind of worried. My doctor's appt in next week, and I am supposed be close to the 24 pound mark...we shall see...
Maternity clothes? I used my Pea in the Pod gift certificate this weekend, and used it on some very expensive Citizens of Humanity jeans. I know, really stupid, right? But everyone keeps telling me how fat and ugly you're going to feel and to get something that you think makes you feel pretty. So, thats what I did. Is it bad that these jeans cost way more than any other jeans in my closet? Probably. And to make it worse, they have them sized like normal jeans, by WAIST SIZE! So, I'm like, "Um, I am assuming this is your pre-pregnancy waist size?" I mean, how cruel!
Best moment this week: Jake got to feel the little girl kick last night. Finally. He is usually asleep by the time they start, and he usually misses it. It was awesome.
Movement: As from the earlier post, they are kicking now! And really, only at night when I am lying on my side really to go to sleep. So, I end up just lying there awake just feeling them move around. So cool.
Waist Diameter: 40.5 inches. Seriously. And I still have a long way to go.
Food cravings: Nothing new this week.
Gender: Still a boy and a girl!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? Its still halfway, so its not so bad. I think it just popped so early, and looked HUGE, and finally my belly has caught up. However, I still have to wear my Bella Band over it if I wear anything slinky or cotton. That belly button sure does like to pop out and say hello to everyone.
What I miss: Summer! It has turned to fall here really quickly. So, its freezing in the morning and at night, but mid to upper 70's in the day. Crazy! I am really going to miss my flowy dresses. I may have to start actually buying maternity clothes!
What I am looking forward to: My doctor's appointment on Wednesday, Oct 7th. I miss seeing them. And getting the nursery near finished! It's going to be beautiful. I guess I should also say that I'm looking forward to registering at the next two places, but that would be a bald faced lie.
Milestones: They are kicking! And that is the most surreal thing ever. And I love, love, that Jake can feel it too.
Realization of the week: We need to seriously learn what a baby is and how to take care of it :)