Specifically, I have been looking for a new centerpiece for my dining room table. Pinterest is great for that! Or, like right now I am looking for ideas on making Josh and Jules their own personalized Easter basket. Again - great for that! And since we have been looking for a new house for what seems like 15 years, lol I am constantly repinning kitchens and decorating ideas.
However, all these toddler crafts and toddler idea pins are for the birds. They look really awesome and so I re-pin them, but then I totally get let down. For example - one that I repinned was called "50 activites to do with your toddler" - awesome, right? So, once I went back and looked at it, they were the dumbest activities! One was "read a book", another was "color", and yet another was "go for a walk". Really, people? If I am that bad of a mother where I couldn't recognize these activities for myself I would be in dire straits. Some of the ideas are ok, I suppose, but honestly, most things I have repinned are mommy blogger posts that I really should have never repinned int he first place, so now I have to go through and see which ones I want to keep and which ones to delete. Which is a pain when you have tons of pins.
Most people say that Pinterest is a crafty's artists paradise. I guess, if that is what you use it for. I use it mostly for fashion ideas, recipes, photography, and decorating, so I disagree with that. Plus, most people can't do all those things anyway. (not even going to put the whole crafty handprint ornament debacle on here)
So, here is my Pinterest fail this week. I saw SO many pins about DIY toddler finger-painting! It was described as "no mess!" "re-usable!" "non-toxic!" "keeps them entertained!" (this was the selling point for me!)
There are lots of recipes out there. I mixed hair conditioner and food coloring. You can use lots of different thing. I put different colors in ziploc bags and taped them down to my kitchen table. Then I encouraged my artistic toddlers to get in the chair and finger paint until their hearts were content.
Time used to put together super-easy-crafty-Pinterest-art-project: 20 minutes
Time toddlers were engaged: 2 minutes.
Pinterest Fail.