Monday, March 19, 2012

Let's Talk Poop, Shall We?

We've all been there, I know. I have heard the horror stories. I was that mother who said, "Oh no - not my kids. They would never do such a thing". And then I ate my words.

My kids (well, especially the female one) likes to wait until naptime and nighttime to go #2. She has always, always been a nighttime #2er. She wakes up each and every morning with a diaper that would kill flowers. (I warned you about this post). And since we have potty trained, she now like to save her day #2 for her naptime. I don't know why she is doing this. I would much rather go in the potty instead of in my diaper  and sleeping in it - wouldn't you??

I should have learned my lesson the first time it happened. I heard two little toddler upstairs giggling when they should have been napping. I though, "oh, how sweet- the two twins up there giggling and laughing at each other. They love each other so much". Yeah right. Oh how naive of me. And I should know better. I am now a seasoned mom, with surviving years one and two with twins. So, when I went up there and it looked like an elephants barn, I should have been more prepared with what I saw. What I saw would have scared you. They were naked, diapers off, and poo EVERYWHERE. On the walls, on the crib, on them, etc.

So, like I said, I should have knows the first time this happened. But, no. It happened again yesterday. Them giggling. Me (this time) "OMG GO TO SLEEEEEEEEPPPPP!".

Them still giggling, no napping. I finally went up there to find a super happy little boy and a giggly little girl. Clothes were on this time. However both their hands looked like they had been working in clay all day. Yep, you guessed correctly. They were both putting their little toddler hands down their diapers, pulling out you-know-what and smearing it everywhere. Josh had just controlled his to his crib only.

Jules, on the other hand:

picture this: Jules, lying on her back hands covered. Then - "Look Mama!! Washee Face!! Washee Face!!" Again, use your imagination and just guess what she was doing. She was giving herself a homemade mudmask. And instead of being irate, I started laughing uncontrollably. I mean, it was the most hysterical thing you have ever seen. She was sooooo excited and proud of herself.

Washee Face!! Washee Face!!

I wasnt sure whether to put this on the blog or not. But I also know its the stories like this that you really don't want to forget, because they really grow up so fast, and these little awful things they do are what make these toddler years the hardest and best. (and will be 16 soon, and can use this again then, no?)

Face of a guilty boy.  "Sorry Mama. It's wasn't my fault, I pwomise" = Josh. Yes, Joshie. I know who the instigator was.

There is really no moral to this story other than I am officially in the club. And I am so far from perfect and my kids are so very far from perfect as well. And messy. And gross. But they still crack me up and are adorable and I love them to pieces. And they immediately got the bath of the century.

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  1. Oh my!! I am glad you could at least laugh about it!! We had a very close call with this a few months ago but it hasn't happened... yet!

  2. I'm dying!!!! This happened to us once when Jessi was about 9 months old (I was pregnant...) and I couldn't handle it! So gross!!! Thankfully she hasn't done it again (yet!)

    At least they're cute?

  3. I am laughing so hard at my desk at work right now. I can only imagine what it's going to be like when my day comes...

  4. Omg! I'm seriously rolling here!!!

  5. Oh! The "nap time poopy party" all my kids were unfortunatley fond of this. When the "Wouldn't it be so nice to have just ONE more baby?" mood strikes me, I pull out this very memory and that thought vanishes in a puff of sanity. :)

  6. I've been greeted by walls dripping with pee and a soaked, naked toddler who throws his diaper across the room but never #2... Yet haha. This was seriously funny and I'm so glad you posted it. Literally, the ugly truth ha!

  7. Oh my goodness, that sounds crazy!

  8. You are my second friend to write about her kid(s) playing in their poop, today. I am so thankful Noah has NEVER done that (and hopefully never will)! That is sooo gross. Ugh, the stink... You are a champion for cleaning it up and not freaking out at them.

  9. Priceless! It's moments like these that you can use for blackmail when they start dating :)

  10. I'm just waiting for this day to come!!

  11. I will not say never...but thankfully not yet =)

  12. That was AWESOME. I don't know how this has happened to me yet, but if anyone is going to do it, it's Simon, so I figure my time is coming.

    Oh, but guess who did do this as a child? Paul, of course, and when his mom came in and said "WHAT DID YOU DO?" he said "Ernie did it!" As in Sesame Street. Hilarious.

    Seriously, though, kids are gross.

  13. I nearly died from laughing so hard! My husband, well he was half laughing, half gagging thinking about walking into the scene of the crime. I'm SO glad you posted this because these are EXACTLY the things that we look back on when our kids are grown and laugh about. Or at least my parents do. I'm sure we will too when our kids are grown and having kids of their own as well.

  14. Oh my goodness....!! I was dying laughing reading this and Andy was gagging too! Ben has not done this yet, I pray he doesn't. Andy would seriously throw up! HA! Thanks for sharing!!

  15. Totally hilarious! I am a mom of 4 month old boy/girl twins. I pray this doesn't happen to me!

  16. When I was potty training i only had diapers at night and I didn't like pooing on the potty. I would wait all day and then climb out of my crib to ask for a diaper change. Maybe it's a twin thing.

  17. Wish I could say I haven't been there...but boy have I!
