Monogrammed pillow given by Jennifer, Jake's sister.
Close-up of the top of the chest.
Side view of the boy's crib.
The rest are just random photos I took: Thanks for looking and let me know what you think!!
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How far along? 34 Weeks, 6 Days
Total weight gain/loss: Hmmmm, let's just say I haven't exactly weighed myself over the holidays. However, I did at my doctor's appointment this past week, and I still haven't caught up to Jake's weight. I am one pound shy. Grated, I'm sure I will beat him and leave his poor weight in the dust, but for now, I am one pound shy, and I am perfectly fine with that.
Maternity clothes? At this point, I am just wanting anything to fit. And to not make me itch. That is a challenge in and of itself.
Best moment this week: Lots of things!!! First off, Christmas was great! Everyone came to us this year, b/c of my limited traveling, and it has been so nice to have everyone at our house for the first time, even though it was also weird. Does that mean we are now grown-ups? Next was my last day of work! Woohoo! Don't do back until April - how fantastic is that?? And lastly was another great ultrasound appointment. Babies are still looking good and are nice and snug in the ole belly.
Movement: Well, now that I finally know what a contraction is, I realize I have been having them for months now. So, now I am trying to pay attention to them. So, far, so good. I'm having them regularly, but not regularly enough for a true labor.
Waist Diameter: Its hard to hug me :( and I am a huggy person. 45 glorious inches.
Food cravings: Well, seeing that it has been Christmas time, let's just say I haven't limited myself to many things. In fact, nothing.
Gender: Baby Stribs are a boy and girl. No extra parts, and yet, still no names :(
Labor Signs: Cervix is still closed up extra tight, but now my award-winning extra long cervix, is now well within a normal range.
Belly Button in or out? We are still in outie-ville, but the bigger my belly gets, the smaller my outie gets. See? There are positives.
What I miss: Nothing. This has all flown by so fast. I just still can't believe I'm even pregnant. (and did I mention that we will have babies in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS??)
What I am looking forward to: Babies, babies, babies, babies, babies, babies, babies, babies!!!!!!
Milestones: 34 WEEKS!!!!!
Realization of the week: We are gonna have Baby Striblings!! And they still remain nameless!!!!
1. Because we tried to get pregnant for so long, God is being very, very
good to us and letting us have a very healthy pregnancy and babies...or
2. Because I have had a very healthy perfect pregnancy, my babies will be
little devils and colicy and acid-refluxy and refuse to sleep and keep us up all
How far along? 32 weeks, 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: Uggg, I swear, I still look cute from the front. However, water retention has set in and I could just sit by a trough all day and graze. But, I am still very much on target at +34 pounds, and still haven't caught up to Jake's weight yet. Whew.
Maternity clothes? No, I am done. Surely I can survive a few more weeks.
Best moment this week: We had another great ultrasound on Monday. Everything is back to normal and I got "perfects" across the board. And this week, I realized that I have four more workdays left of work, then its off for Christmas, then off for babies! Woohoo!
Movement: They are "kind of" moving like crazy. And what I mean by that is now when they move, I feel like I can't move. They are obviously getting bigger and don't have a bunch of room. When Baby Boy moves, I feel like I have a watermelon attached to my girl parts, and when Baby Girl moves, I feel like I'm having a small heart attack b/c I can't breathe and she goes up in my ribs. Good Times.
Waist Diameter: Almost 44 inches. I am also measuring at 42 weeks for a single pregnancy. People stop me now all the time and say, "WOW! You're about to pop! Due any day huh?" Then I say, "No, about a month or so, I'm due with twins". then they say, "Oh, well, you're TINY for twins!". WTF? Make up your mind!
Food cravings: Still onto the chicken quite a bit. But, now I can also eat lots of ice cream. And I do mean ALOT of ice cream. I know I am allowed to, but this is getting ridiculous the amount I can hold in my belly.
Gender: Baby Stribs are a boy and girl. No extra parts.
Labor Signs: Cervix is nice, long,and normal thanks to my huge ovaries. Thanks ovaries.
Belly Button in or out? We are still in outie-ville.
What I miss: Sleep used to be nice. And clothing that fit. And when my skin didn't feel like I wanted to rip it off. But its all worth it!! We are getting babies soon!!!
What I am looking forward to: Monday's ultrasound. We get to find out the weight and do another growth scan. I am DYING for this. The previous ultrasounds have been so boring, and not telling me what I want to know. But, they will only do the growth things every few weeks.
Milestones: I'm there this week! 32 weeks baby!!
Realization of the week: They could come. Now. Anytime. Tomorrow. Next week. Next two weeks. AAAAHHHHH!!!!
Baby Boy, nice picture, huh.
Baby Girl. The perfect profile shot.