Friday, January 21, 2011
We're 12 Months old!

Sunday, January 16, 2011
New Year Resolutions
1. Ok, be 100% debt free and save lots of money. Isn't this everyone's?
2. Eat more local, organic products. Maybe even start participating in a CSA
3. Exercise REGULARLY. Am already missing those breastfeeding calories! (stopped BFing on their first birthday)
4. Learn how to sew. My lovely Mommy got me a fabulous sewing/embrodery machine for Christmas, now all I have to do is learn how to use it! I am soooo excited to, though!
5. Learn photography. I intend to take a photography class this year. Since I got my new camera in September, I am anxious to learn all about it.
6. Oh, and raise the best kiddos ever!!
I will check in on these from time to time. Gotta stay with them!! What are yours?
Snow Day!
Weekend Project
I painted the table white with a chocolate top, and each chair pink and blue. I then went to Michael's and bought little letters for their names and a wooden cat and dog. I then painted the letters chocolate to match the top of the table, and glued them and the cat and dog on each chair. They turned out soooooo cute! I love it.

Project number 2 was turning our sunroom into a playroom for the kiddos. As much we love our sunroom, it just isn't used very much. And boy, did we ever need a place for their many, many toys! So, our went the wicker furniture, and in went toys, toys, and more toys. The only problem now is keeping it warm. However, as long as the sun is shining it is fine. Today it was around 40-45 degrees here, and it was quite warm in the sunroom. I guess they can play out there when the sun is out and inside when its not. Anyway, its a good fix for now!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
1 year (sniff, sniff) doctor appt
Well, we still are not big babies. SIGH. As much as I try to stuff avacados and pasta down them.
Weight: 16lb, 4oz (not even on the charts *sigh* below the 3rd percentile)
Height: 29 inches (49th percentile)
Head Circ: 17.5 inches (26th)
Basically she is skinny minny tall thing. She has been since birth. However, she has been sick this week with an ear infection, (and 102 fever! our first one for either babies!) so he thinks that is probably why her weight was so low. I will take her back in one month to check.
Weight: 18lbs, 11oz (4th percentile)
Height: 28.5 inches (12th percentile)
Head Cir: 17.9 inches (25th percentile)
They are both growing really well, so the doctor says they are perfectly fine. I know, I know, I just want them to catch up, ya know? They were born small and early, and have actually almost quadrupled their birth weight. But still...
Monday, January 10, 2011
I knew basically this entire year I was going to do an Elvis/50's type theme. How could I not? They were born on Elvis' birthday! I would like to tell you that I had it planned for months and months. But, honestly, aside from the invitations, I pulled it together last minute in the week beforehand.
We decided just to do family. If we got into the friend thing, we were looking at lots of different circle, and lots of people. And honestly, no one really wants to come to these parties anyway. I designed and printed the invites myself. They were so cute. I photoshopped Jules in as Marilyn Monroe, and Josh in as Elvis. HeHe. (a small aside, I am OBSESSED with Marilyn Monroe. Loooooove her. Jules will def. be dressed as her one of these days)
Then I printed off a bunch of black & white pics of Elvis, Marilyn, and James Dean, with borders of black, teal, red, and pink. I then asked my mom to bring a bunch of old 45's, and I started decorating. I made garlands using string and clothes pins, and then used the remaining pics as table decorations. We even had a record player and played Elvis songs all day. We got plates and huge wall stick ups of Elvises, jukebox,and guitars from Party City. I knew in my head what I wanted, and it actually turned out just right! That NEVER happens!
I then printed off a Happy Birthday sign using a fun, retro font, and put their names on the back (thanks Jake, for that idea)
bonus points for finding the babies!
Food was simple, really easy, and fun. I wanted to do a "50's diner" theme, so we did mini burgers (sliders), mini hotdogs, mini corndogs, fries, and a coke float station. I bought the cakes from Publix. They did a fun retro cake for us, and two smash cakes for the babes.
Note her DIY Saddle Oxfords |
Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Our favorite things! 11 Months
Books! Still love books! I wish I could say they have a favorite this month, but they really don't. Life has been so crazy with traveling and the holidays, they haven't had a lot of one-on-one scheduled book time. So, we are usually just grabbing whatever is close and reading. They are now getting into wanting to touch the books alot, so any books that have textures or things like that they love. My favorite book to read them? I love the Disney ones (bought almost the entire collection) and Winnie the Pooh. We have the complete collection big hardbound book. My least favorite? Fox in Socks. I fyou have ever read that book you will agree with me.
Songs! Love Taylor Swift, and Carrie Underwood, and Band Perry, and basiclly any blonde female, for some reason. (Hmph. I'm brunette.) LOVE Wheels on a Bus. LOVE Itsy Bitsy Spider. LOVE The Alphabet Parade. LOVE Do Re Mi. LOVE Thumpkin. We sing alot. Jules likes to dance. Josh gets excited. It's muy precious.
Inantimate objects! We love the door stops. That has always been one of our faves. We love opening up drawers and doors (love this one, let me tell ya). We love newspapers and magazines (love this one too)
Toys! I maybe should have written this post BEFORE Christmas, because now we have lots and lots of toys to choose from. I have decided now to put alot of the toys away, and rotate them out every couple of weeks. So, now we have our rocking horses, which we love, and rocking chairs too. They also love anything that makes noise or music. We have a Leap Frog piano that they love, and we also got this puppy from my mom that they like. Jules (and Josh some actually) has taken a liking to a baby doll that plays music. she loves it. Josh likes it too b/c her face lights up like a glow worm. Jules also loves her little pink giraffe that also plays lullabys.They love anything that they can push. They have a couple of walkers, a Winnie the Pooh pusher, and a fire truck type thing, and they love them! Or, if you are Josh, you can just push around a box and be happy as a clam.