Apologies in advance for the lack in blogging. My life is just crazy right now! I work for the American Heart Association, and February is Heart Month. So, that means my booty is in uttercrazytown planning events right now that will happen next month. Add that to potty training...and I am lucky I haven't checked myself in somewhere.
I will saw that my sweet Jules is a super star. She had a few little setbacks and accidents, but she has done fantastic during the day. I plan of (hopefully) writing a post all about our potty training journey. I probably will, because it is quite the milestone in the life of that Baby Stribling, and thats what this blog is about after all. but, man, I love that girl, and am over the moon proud of her.
Friday night my sister Ginny came up and we went to see Spamalot at
TPAC. I have season tickets, and there are only so many that Jake will agree to go to, so I am usually looking for dates. This one Ginny was really wanting to see, so she came over to go with.
At Spamalot at Tpac |
I also had an ulterior motive of her going with me to check our a gymnastics place on Saturday morning (Let It Shine in Franklin, TN). Every Saturday for the past year we have been involved in
Gymboree Play and Music. I love it so much, but the kids were kind of outgrowing it, and I just wanted to see what else was out there for them, so I cancelled it. So, now my journey is to find something else for us to do. At two, the kids can be more exposed to different things. Jules can now start dance, which is beyond preciousville, and if I entered her in for classes, it would pose danger, because I would die, DIE of cuteness overload. Plus, I;m not too sure we would enroll Josh, so I was wanting them to do something together. So, I was thinking gymnastics! We have two places here (well, three is you could The Little Gym). There is
Let it Shine and
MPact that I have heard people talk about.
So, Ginny and I set off to Let it Shine. There were so many things that I didn't like about it, I just was confused. I have heard so many wonderful things about it, so I had high hopes. But, I will not go back there. At least not yet, not at this age. First off, it was HUGE, and chaotic, and just loud and crazy and crowded and a circus. I guess most gymnastic places are like that, but I guess I wasn't expecting quite all the craziness. Second, the teacher weren't all bubbly and sweet and oozing with sugar and spice like my ladies over at Gymboree. These girl were strict, and expected you to follow the rules and wanted my kids to mind and wait their turns and all things they absolutely SHOULD be doing. And I agree with their "schtick" for sure, and love that they have expectations for the kids, however, me and Ginny were nervous wrecks thinking we were going to get in trouble the entire time if Josh and Jules didn't go though the tunnel correctly. The mommy and me part lasted about 30 minutes, then you spent the next parts out in the big
HUGE gymnastic arena, - with.everyone.else.like.alot.of.freaking.people.were.everywhere. It was just chaotic, like I said. And then after all of this with out trial class and after we were done, she informed us that "they told you up front that this class is full right" - "um, no, she actually wasn't sure where this class even met, so no" - So, we couldn't even join even if we wanted to.
Anyway, it just kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I felt like an outsider "new kid in the class" - and not in a good way. So, we'll check out the other one and see if its any more "us".
If anyone has any other suggestions, please do tell! The pics below are from after church on Sunday. I didn't grab any pics from Saturday - I totally forgot.
oh and p.s. I had their 2 year portraits taken this past week too, and I must say, they looked sooooo cute! I can't wait to get them back!
On my super big (weep) almost completely potty trained Jules:
Top: Gymboree//Dress: handmade//Leggings: Baby Legs//Shoes: Target |
On Moi: Dress, Cardigan, Boot Socks: HandM//Boots: Journey//Belt: Target//Necklace:Etsy |
Had to add this one - cracks me up. Story of my life, people |
This boy runs, and runs, and runs, and runs. Challenge number one was getting a picture of Josh and Jules in the same frame. Challenge number two was getting a picture of Josh standing still
On Josh://Shirt: Gap//Pants: Old Navy//Shoes: Gap |
Linking Up with
Harpers Happenings and
Pleated Poppy