Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Our Weekend

This weekend was another crazy, but fun weekend! First was their little school Valentine's Party. So stinking cute.
Josh really is happy - promise!

My sister sings every Valentine's weekend in Knoxville in a band called The White Cosbys, and my brother-in-law plays the keyboard. It is so much dang fun. They kind of call it an 80's Prom Night. Most of the songs are those fabulous songs that you can't forget from the 80's and 90's. Here is a post from another performance.

It was a fun night as always, and super late as always lol. I swear my poor body can't do that much anymore. Ha!!

Me and Jennifer

Me and the sisters. I'm the Middle One :)

Me and Jake and The Prom!
On Moi: Top: Facebook Boutique//Jeans: Target Skinnies//Boots: Ferras

Moi, Jake, Carson and Jennifer

Saturday night we were back in Nashville (whew) because Grama and Papa got them tickets to Disney Jr Live for their birthday. There are so many of these little shows that come to Nashville. While I'll never support a circus of any kind, I feel compelled to want to go to all of these shows lol. We've done Super Why (our first one - Fun), Thomas the Train (not great), Sesame Street (not fun), Disney on Ice (super great), Fresh Beat Band (freaking awesome), and now Disney Jr. It was okay. It was fun, but a little boring, and I usually love this kind of stuff. And also as I type this out I really we need to tone down our shows lol. In our defense they are usually gifts from grandparents :) Plus, because we just did Magic Kingdom when we went to Disney, I felt we needed to go see Jake and the Pirates and Sophia the First, because my kids are sooooo obsessed with both of them.

Naturally, we had to wear our Sophia dress and Jake shirt! (Josh didn't want to completely wear his Jake costume)

Linking up to Monday Mingle and Join the Gossip

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  1. I am the "middle one" too! Two sisters is lots of fun..and lots of chaos:)
    Your kiddies are ADORABLE. THanks for linking up.
