Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Feeding your one year old

I found this on the internet as I was googling ideas of things to feed my kids. Their diet and appetite changes SO MUCH at one year! I mean, seriously, the day they turned one!

So, I found these and I think I am going to use it as a guide. Although, this looks like ALOT of food and milk. But, we'll see. At least it gives me something to go by.

One Sample Menu:

1⁄2 cup iron- fortified breakfast cereal or 1 cooked egg
1⁄4–1⁄2 cup whole milk (with cereal or without)
Fruit can be added to cereal or on its own
1⁄2 banana, sliced
2–3 large sliced strawberries

1 slice toast or whole wheat muffin with 1–2 tablespoons cream cheese or peanut butter, or yogurt with cut-up fruit
1⁄2 cup whole milk

1⁄2 sandwich sliced turkey or chicken, tuna, egg salad, or peanut butter
1⁄2 cup cooked green vegetables
1⁄2 cup whole milk

1–2 ounces cubed or string cheese, or 2–3 tablespoons fruit or berries
1 cup whole milk

2–3 ounces cooked meat, ground or diced
1⁄2 cup cooked yellow or orange vegetables
1⁄2 cup pasta, rice, or potato
1⁄2 cup whole milk

Here's another one:

4 ounces whole milk
¼ cup whole grain ready-to-eat cereal
¼ medium banana

2 graham cracker squares
4 ounces 100 percent juice, preferably fortified with vitamin C and/or calcium

4 ounces whole milk
1 ounce cooked chicken
1-2 tablespoons cooked carrots
½ teaspoon margarine or butter
½ slice bread

4 ounces full-fat yogurt such as Stonyfield Farms YoBaby
2-3 whole grain crackers

8 ounces whole milk
½ cup cooked noodles with 2 tablespoons meat sauce
2 tablespoons cooked green beans
½ teaspoon margarine or butter, if desired
¼ cup canned pears, drained and chopped

4 ounces whole milk
6 animal crackers

More ideas are to stick to the rainbow:

Red - Apples, Cherries, Strawberries, Watermelon, Red Potatoes, Tomatoes
Orange - Oranges, Peaches, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots
Yellow - Bananas, Summer Squash, Wax Beans, Pears
Green - Avocado, Green Beans, Zucchini, Mango, Papaya
Blue - Blueberries
Purple - Grapes, Eggplant


  1. I agree - that's a lot of food! No way would my kids eat that much.
