Friday, March 12, 2010

2 Month Well Visit

We had our big 2-month well doctor's visit this week. Which meant it was the very scary big V visit. Yup, thats right - vaccines. They got the diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, polio, rotavirus, and pheumococcal disease vaccines. Whew! There are so many things to be scared of when it comes to vaccines. Number one, of course, if the pain it causes your babies!! They each got three shots and one oral vaccine. They were so good though. I was prepared and gave them infant Tylenol beforehand, so they only cried for a second, but they were hurting, and that meant that Jake and I were hurting as well. I made him be the parent with the one getting pricked. I was the wimp who buried my head into the other baby. Number two is the craziness that surrounds the vaccine debate.

I really don't know how I feel about all of it. In my opinion, there is no real proof on either side, I believe both sides. I do think the amount of vaccines we are pumping into these BABIES is ridiculous, and yes, I am sure it does cause problems in some children. However, I also would be terrified if one of my babies got one of these horrible diseases that I could have prevented by getting them vaccinated. So....I am getting them vaccinated and just praying real hard that nothing happens.

They had a great visit overall, though. Jules weighed 7lb9.9oz (3rd percentile) Her height was 21.25 inches (3rd percentile) and head circumference was 14.57 inches (10th percentile). Josh weighed 8lb11oz (3rd percentile) was 21.25 inches long (3rd percentile) and his head was only 14.96 inches(10th percentile)!! We honestly thought his head would be twice as big as Jules', lol.


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