Tuesday, September 1, 2009

18 Weeks - update on me!

Well, here we are at 18 weeks. This is beyond a doubt - crazy. How am I 18 weeks? How am I this far already, but yet I cannot wait to be 30 weeks and counting down? I am finally to the point that I am going to get highlights in my hair. I have put it off, and put it off. Surely by now its safe. And don't ever get me started with this Swine Flu stuff. I have heard it from everyone, and I PROMISE to get vaccinated. Plus, my being at schools all day is probably worse for me too.

How far along? 18 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain/loss:Well, if you read this post, you will see I was still at a good weight a few days ago. Now, I have not stepped on a scale since then, so I am hoping I have not jinxed myself. Plus, UT football starts on Saturday, and -me likey- tailgate food.
Maternity clothes? Still have nothing but the Old Navy maternity jeans. Good thing my dresses are flowy!
Sleep: I still have my good nights and bad nights. I haven't gone into another room to sleep in a while, and thats good. My hips and knees have been hurting very bad. And I am trying so hard to stay on my left side, but if ever I wake up in the middle of the night, I am right on my back, dang it.
Best moment this week: Nothing so far this week. Looking forward to football starting!!I am still looking at bedding fabric, which is now a lot harder that I thought. My sweet friend Larissa's mom is going to make it. I thought it would become easier once I had made a decision (set #2, by the way), but its almost worse. B/c now I am comparing multiple beiges, pinks, and blues, at multiple fabric stores and websites.
Movement: I felt a bit of flutterings last week, but nothing since then. And that makes me sad, and also makes me think something is horrible wrong in there. Why can't they give take-home ultrasound machines for obsessive, neurotic people like me???
Food cravings: Still nothing weird. I am patiently waiting for the ice cream with ketchup toppings to start. But, just eating normal. And actually have been less hungry than I was during the first trimester. Still am loving chicken biscuits though.
Gender: Sweet boy and girl. Wanna help us with names?????? Need help with the J's!
Labor Signs: HE- to the -LL - NO
Belly Button in or out? *sigh* I am still a halfy. And I am starting to think its cute. That must be a sign of pregnancy. Because why on EARTH would I think something so gross be cute?? What I miss: Working out, or any form of exercise. I am now a wee bit worried about gaining 20 pounds in a month.
What I am looking forward to: the baby showers are in a-plannin'. stages. I am trying to plan ahead for bed rest and my "no pictures in the third trimester" rule.
Milestones: I am looking forward to getting to 20 weeks. That is technically my "safe period".
Realization of the week: That I am very, very lucky to be carrying multiples. I have so far eaten basically anything I wanted, not been able to exercise at all, and don't look like a fatty-fatty two-by-four-can't-get-through-the-kitchen-door. By all means, I SHOULD BE. But, I am thinking that b/c I am carrying twins, they are needing most of the food I am consuming, as opposed to a single baby. So, thank goodness for that.


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