2011 has been a wonderful year. No huge surprises, no huge disappointments. Just beyond blessed.
Thankful for:
This guy. Although we have our ups and downs, and can make each other madder than anyone on the planet, he's my best bud. Love him to pieces and would rather hang out with him than anyone on the planet. He's a great friend and a great dad. So thankful for God for putting him in my life. |
My little buddy. He's a warm-hearted, easy going dude. A typical little sweet boy, he will steal your heart in a second. |
This girl. Boy, she is a spit-fire. And the sweetest, smartest, funniest, spunkiest little girl you will ever meet.
Other things that top my list this year:
My family: I don't know what I would do without them. We are all alike, and each time we're together one of us is mad. But, that's how we roll. Love them.
My in-laws: couldn't ask for better people than Jake's family. They rock.
My job: I am blessed to have a job that I love and I know makes a difference.
My friends: I am the first to admit I am the worst friend ever. I get immersed in my life and forget to touch base and call and catch up nearly as much as I need to. My friends understand that, and call me. They get it, and don't judge me for it, and I love them for it.
My online friends: Formerly dubbed "infertiles", we are now a life-long group of sisters that have been through one of the most difficult trials we will experience, and now share the bond of motherhood.
Me: I thank God each day for the life that I have been given. I don't deserve most of it. The choices that I made going through life that I thought I would regret. Those decisions lead to other paths in life. I met Jake because we lived next door to each other in college. What if I didn't move there? I moved to Nashville. We have a wonderful house, do not want for anything, and have wonderful friends. I questioned him many, many times through the hell that was infertility. I now know everything happens for a reason. I know I was meant to have twins, and had I not gone though infertility, my life would probably be different. I would be different. I am thankful for the mother I have become, than I was sceptical I would become. And I am thankful for the Mothers around me past and present who have shaped me into the mother I am. Love my babies, love my hubs, love my family, love my life.
Thankful for your votes!!