Wednesday, October 14, 2009

24 weeks - Update on Me!

24 Weeks!! I CANNOT believe it. I know I say that at every update, but this is all just so unbelievable. We are so very lucky, and so very blessed. I know it took us a long time to get pregnant, and a lot of stress and heartache, but I can now say that these two precious miracles are well worth the wait. We are just both so excited. I can't wait to meet the Baby J's. (By the way, have you voted on the new name poll?)

Everything is happening so fast in babyland. We got another step done on the nursery. We finished the furniture. So, now we have (so far) a chest of drawers, nightstand, two cribs, and a changing table. Now all we need is a glider, rug, chandelier, and about a twice as big bedroom, LOL. You have no idea how much room this extra crib takes up! There were lots more "decorative items" I wanted to put in there, but there is simply no room. I guess they are used to it though, being so cramped in the womb and all. We plan on doing the chair rail and painting, etc weekend after next. The rug should ship on the 26th. So, hopefully, we'll be right on schedule! My doctor wants me to try and have most things done by 30 weeks, in the event of bedrest. (please stay away, bedrest!)

I am so, so excited about my fabulous showers that my fabulous friends and family are throwing. I am so appreciative to everyone for all their help and hard work. As of this moment, there will be 4! One in Knoxville for my friends and family there, two in Nashville, and we just found out that Jake's co-workers want to throw him one too. So sweet! Maybe we might make a small dent in our gigantic registry after all. (and I tell no lies - that registry is HUGE!! Having twins requires a lot of stuff!) Thank you all so much!

Another thing I am working on at the moment is maternity pictures. I probably have waited too long as it is, but I am excited to get them done. I may be as big as a house, but I am excited. I am going to be working with Josh Harris out of Hendersonville. He is the husband of one of my Heart Association volunteers. And she is absolutely the best. So, I am so very happy to use her husband. And, his pictures are gorgeous. I love, love them. I love the style, I love the colors, I just love the personality in them. I was already going to have him take the newborn photos, so I figured I would book him as well for the maternity shots, so keep things along the same theme.

We are also now in the stages of birthing classes and daycares! (Whew! This has been a busy two weeks!) We signed up for our first class, "Marvelous Multiples" at Baptist Hospital this Friday. Its supposed to be about birthing and raising multiples (and we'll need all the help we can get). We'll get to tour the NICU then as well (which I hope my babies never see). We also signed up for a 6-week birthing class that starts on October 26th. We also really need to get on the ball with daycares. And I have no desire to even start this process. It is so expensive! Ideally, I would love to have a nanny or someone that can watch them in their home. I'm not sure if that will be a possibility, but a girl can dream, right?

How far along? 24 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: Well, I'm not close to the 24lb mark, as I am "supposed to be", which is fine. My doctor said that as long as the babies are growing, that I am fine. And since they are each 1lb, 6oz, and they are only supposed to be around a pound, I think I am doing quite well, thank you. But, let's see...I have gained about 18 pounds as of this morning. Not too shabby!
Maternity clothes? I bought some more things this week. Although, only one thing I bought was actually a "maternity piece", and that was black top. Most everything else is just the style now, that I can wear. I do know, however, that I will get much bigger, and that the "style now" will probably not come close to fitting me.
Best moment this week: Getting to see them again. I miss those little buggers. And its so reassuring when you actually see them moving around and that they have a strong heartbeat. Its so cool. And so much better than only trying to feel their kicks to know they're still in there. Its so different than having only one. Now, once one kicks, I try to monitor the other one and see where they are and make sure they will kick too. Usually when one kicks, the other will too. (they're fighting in the womb, it's apparently what they do in there) And, this of course, leads me to freak-out mode when I can't feel the other one and of course think the worst thoughts possible. Movement: They are kicking pretty good now! Its so cool! Its amazing how one week they aren't, and then the next week they are kicking up a storm. They aren't in the same positions, though. The girl is still diagonal, with her head down towards my left, and the boy is now lying horizontally down below my belly, which worries me. I know they have alot of room to move around in there, but I would feel better if he would come back up here. Thanks.
Waist Diameter: 41 inches. So, I have only grown out about a half inch in two weeks.
Food cravings: I have been on an ice cream kick lately. And my book tells me I can eat all I want.
Gender: Baby Stribs are a boy and girl. No extra parts.
Labor Signs: No, thank GOD. Although now, I have to start paying attention to it - yikes!! And my doctor told me that this week they could "take the babies" if we needed to and they have a good survival rate. Double yikes!!!
Belly Button in or out? I swear I think it has gone down, or at least my belly has caught up. I asked Jake last night to see if he agreed with my hypothesis, and he did not.
What I miss: Having a life and friends. Pregnancy can be pretty lonely. You can't necessarily go out like you used to or go to impromptu happy hours that I used to enjoy so very much. But...I guess I better get used to all that. If I think I don't have a life now, I better prepare myself! And I am NOT complaining. I would very much love the trade for two babies.
What I am looking forward to: Everything that is still undone! Finishing the nursery, starting our classes, looking at daycares (well, not that excited about this, actually), getting our picture done, and my fabulous showers! These next few weeks are gonna fly!
Milestones: I guess I would have to say that we are now in a moment of time where people could possibly have their twins. And that is so scary. Jake's cousin works in the NICU at Baptist, and she said they have a set of twins in there now that were born at 24 weeks. They are around a pound each, but are alive and in the NICU! Sooooo scary. I am determined to carry these as long as I possibly can, so please pray that they stay safe in there for a long time.
Realization of the week: I need to chill out and relax. I worry and stress too much and surely these babies aren't ready to come yet. So relax!!


  1. Have fun at all your showers!! We only have one more to go - and there's still soo much stuff on the list (stuff we actually need) so now we're in the big debate of bringing back the stuff that we got but won't need for 6 months to a year -- or just sucking it up and going and buying all the other stuff on our own as well!

  2. Hey sweetie, I love your blog!! I'm reading the whole thing right now to get caught up and adding it to an RSS feed so I can stay up-to-date!

    I wanted to write about the daycare situation. I would definitely try to find in-home care! It probably seems crazy expensive, but I bet it wouldn't be as bad as you think. I know for me, since I keep kids in my home, I'd be intimidated by twins, but I'd consider it and try to cut you a deal. I don't know, but put some feelers out there, you'd be surprised how many SAHMs just want to make some extra cash!!
