Monday, April 18, 2011

Mommy and Me Monday

This week's Mommy and Me Monday takes place at Gymboree Play & Music. I debated starting these classes with the babes. I thought they were cheesy, expensive, and probably not going to be worth it. Well, this Mommy was wrong. The babes absolutely love it. I  mean - L.O.V.E. it. Josh, my new climber, is a complete maniac in there, climbing and jumping on everything (luckily it all padded, lol). Jules is the belle of the ball and just dances, climbs, and goes up to every random stranger she is going to go home with them. (Funny aside, when we do "parachute time" when all the babies sit in the parachute and the grown ups turn in a circle, Jules proceeds to get smack dab in the center of the circle and dances around. Never mind all the other babies, this girl is the center of attention, get out of her way)

This is us at "Free Play", where there is no organized class, but the babes can run wild. And imagine my surprise while capturing photos, when one grandfather asked me if I would like a picture of myself with the babes. "What? Moi?" That is just so foreign to me!! So, here we are (please excuse the dapper appearance, I wasn't planning on being photographed!: (and other pictures from Gymboree as well)

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?

Hosted by Krystyn


  1. These are beautiful captures!

    Very pretty!

    Would be happy to have you visit my Mommy & Meat my page, thanks!

  2. Awww such cute photos of you and your twins. Glad you guys had a great time at Gymboree. :D Hope you can visit my entry too. Thanks! By the way, I'm a new follower of yours. :D

  3. So sweet kids, are they twins? My Mommy and Me Monday Sorry for my late visit today but my post wasn't late. Will be happy to see you in my page though. :)

  4. Oh, don't be so hard on yourself! You look great!

    I thought the same about the classes and never signed my girls up...I guessed they missed out on the fun.

    Looks like a great time by all.
