Monday, June 6, 2011

Steppin' Out Saturday

Hey all! We had quite the scrumdiddleumptious weekend! Saturday we "stepped out" to our Gymboree class, then played outside most of the day. However, it got up to almost 95 here on Saturday, which is REALLY REALLY hot!! So, then we played in the a/c the remainder of the day. Sunday we went to the pool, and I simply MUST get some picture posted of that, because of course, the babes are adorable in their teeny tiny swimsuits and their teeny tiny floats. Jake was playing in a golf tournament on Saturday, so I "stepped out" to a girls night at Cantina Laredo and Sambuca in the Gulch in Nashville. (Thanks JV and Vicki for babysitting!). These weekends are going by way to fast, donchu think? And it certainly doesn't help that it is already August weather here. Nashville seems to have completely bypassed the 80's.

So you can see her sweet Ruffle Butts
Milk mouth much?

The babes and I before I went out to dinner. They are SUPER happy about it.

**I, by no stretch of the imagination, consider myself a fashionista or trendsetter. The main reason I participate in these fun weekly posts is to get more pics of the babes and me together, to "MAKE" myself try and look presentable and cutsie, and to document some of their super cute outfits (they have a gazillion after all).

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  1. The ruffle butt makes me LOL =) Love your shoes...

  2. What cuties, my goodness! You have a precious family!
